Mike Frank, CSP, CPAE
Mike Frank,

Mike Frank, CSP, CPAE
"One of North America's Most Versatile Professional Speakers"
Mike is one of the most experienced speakers in North America......over 30 years as a speaker and entrepreneur. He employs content, humor, and participation to have audience members leaving with knowledge and good feelings.
While Mike has received his fair share of "best ever" letters and evaluations, he prides himself on the majority of his client responses being "he really targeted what we wanted and needed."
His clients feel he is one of the most versatile speakers available, due to his style and range of topics.
His strength is "customizing" his message to the group he addresses. He likes to focus on your theme and adapt it to your organization...for 30 minutes, all day or anything in between.
You will be pleasantly surprised to see that Mike's fees are extremely competitive with other speakers of similar talents.